Sold to USA as 6 year old. After Lucky Light. Is now ridden by one of the US team members.
Sold to USA as 6 year old. After Lucky Light. Is now ridden by one of the US team members.
Syringe is sold to a Norwegian top rider. Syringe is a beautiful mare after Newton/ Nimmerdor and Barnaul xx. She was no. 6 in the final for 5 years old horses in denmark[:en]SYRINGE
Syringe is sold to a Norwegian top rider. Syringe is a beautiful mare after Newton/ Nimmerdor and Barnaul xx. She was no. 6 in the final for 5 years old horses in denmark[:]
4 års hingst efter Colman og Peggy Lee.
[:DK]6 års smuk vallak 167 cm efter Companiero/ Colman og Soraya, der er efter Emilion – Wellington – Nimmerdor/Farnese. Han har et kæmpe springtalent og springer meget kraftfuldt. Han er rigtig dejlig at ride og utrolig fornuftig og lærenem. Han er klar til små stævner. Som alle heste efter Companiero har han et super temperament. Helt sikkert en hest, der vil nå rigtig langt i sporten. Helt ren i røntgen 95.000 dk. kr.
[:en] Companion is a beautiful gelding with a good temper. He is very well breed after Companiero- Colman and Barnaul xx on the father and the mother line is Emillion/Wellington / Nimmedor. He is a nice easy ridden horse and jumps with a lot of scope and power. He is ridden as 5 year old and is now ready to start small competitions, 95.000
see video on youtube under ternvig69
x-rays without remarks.
Favorit is a big beautiful gelding with very good gates
He jumps with enormously scope and is also careful and very flexible. He is perfect to ride and is always in balance in spite of his size.
He has a lovely temper and is in every way very easy.
150.000 D.KR
Favorit is a big beautiful gelding with very good gates
He jumps with enormously scope and is also careful and very flexible. He is perfect to ride and is always in balance in spite of his size.
He has a lovely temper and is in every way very easy.
150.000 D.KR[:]
Dubai er en dejlig 9 års vallak med top afstamning. Han er 166 cm og indredet sent. Han springer med helt fantastisk kapacitet, super teknik og en god indstilling.
Han har startet små stævner og er helt klar til at fortsætte sin karriere. I den daglige omgang er han dejlig ukompliceret og bliver redet af små ryttere.
Se video på youtube under ternvig69 80.000kr.
12 year old grey gelding 172 cm after Carano and Gardenia who is after Ragatzo. Gardenia herself is a very succesful showjumper in Grand Prix classes in Schwitzerland.
Courage was third in HITS Open Grand Prix in Florida. He is ready for the biggest classes. He has unlimited scope and is very careful, brave and easy to ride.
Link til Youtube Video